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FitPro Social Justice Discussion Group


A LIVE  bi-weekly discussion group for Fitness professionals that focuses on themes of identity, inequality, diversity & inclusion, oppression, and liberation in the fitness industry.  This discussion group is appropriate for beginner through advanced learners. It meets bi-weekly from 6-8pm, PST.  If you cannot attend at this time, a self-paced version of this group is available.



You’ve successfully completed the Foundations of Social Justice course and developed a stronger understanding of Liberation and Social Justice. Now you’re ready to take the next step: developing the self-awareness necessary to do this work with depth and clarity.  Self Awareness for Social Justice, a live Eight-Week course presented by Dr. Tee Williams, is designed to help you learn about yourself and the ways you’ve been impacted by systems of inequality.

About This Discussion Group

COURSE COST: $99/month
FitPros have the power to change the world.  They also have the power to transform the Fitness industry into a place that is inclusive and welcoming of all people. This discussion group is aimed at helping FitPros learn from and with each other
The goal of this discussion group is to provide a space for open, constructive, honest and authentic dialogue for Fitness professionals. Our discussions will center on themes related to identity, inequality, diversity and Inclusion, oppression and liberation. All of these themes will be discuss
My goal for this course is to help you to develop the awareness needed to successfully do the work of Liberation and Social Justice. Socialization, as you know, is one of the ways that individuals are taught to play their respective roles in various systems of oppression. It minimizes resistance by interrupting the process of self-awareness. In doing so, it limits our capacity to notice the oppression around us, name it and imagine and create alternatives. This degrades our capacity for liberatory visioning and liberatory action. Without these things, our ability to make change is severely limited.
Self-awareness is critical to liberation and social justice work because it enables us to more clearly see ourselves and notice what is happening around us. It allows us to see the ways that we are complicit in our own oppression. It allows us to see the messages that we’ve internalized that keep us trapped in our prescribed roles. And it allows us to see the ways that we collude with the oppression of other people and harm them. Self-Awareness allows us to become fully conscious, fully human and choose liberation.
In this goupryou will :
  • Examine what you’ve been taught as someone both targeted by, and privileged by, systems of inequality and assess the consequences.
  • Expand your awareness of your collective social identities and the ways you manage their impacts upon your life.
  • Learn to identify, understand, trace and transform your internalized patterns.
  • Uncover your hidden biases and prejudices and develop a plan for overcoming them.
  • Increase your awareness of how you are perceived by, and impact, other people.
  • Practice the skills necessary to become a more powerful and effective ally.
  • And much, much more.
The knowledge you’ve gained in the previous course was designed to serve as a starting point, a strong foundation from which you will continue to learn and grow. Now comes the hard part – developing the self-awareness to apply that knowledge in productive ways AND in ways that do not bring harm to other people as you work across identities. This requires that you develop Internal self-awareness AND External self-awareness, both of which will be covered in this course.
We will achieve this goal through the completion of exercises aimed at increasing your awareness and critical consciousness and by applying what we know and learn in several areas including your individual identity, your social identity, your awareness of systems of oppression and your development of Liberatory Consciousness.