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Social Justice Sci-Fi Book Club


This Book Club explores themes of Social Justice within the genres of Sci-Fi and Fantasy literature. It meets online bi-weekly (i.e. every two weeks) and is open to anyone that has an interest in Social Justice who is also a fan of these genres. Registration opens at the beginning of each new book (approximately every 4-6 weeks).


The purpose of the Social Justice Sci-Fi book club is to help its participants learn more about Social Justice issues while simultaneously indulging a love for the genres of Sci-Fi and Fantasy.
Why a Social Justice Book Club based in Sci-Fi & Fantasy? Both of these genres have a long and distinguished history of  tackling Social Justice related topics in thoughtful and nuanced ways. In addition, authors that were once actively excluded from the genre are now experiencing a more welcoming environment. This means that now, more than ever, we are experiencing stories that include diverse groups of characters that are being told from diverse points of view. This also means that these authors inevitably include story arcs that reflect the experiences of disenfranchised groups in our society. And the results are amazing: well crafted, award-winning books that provide a rich ground for discussions on Social Justice.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is this Book Club for? This book club is for anyone that loves the Sci-Fi and Fantasy genres and is interested in Social Justice. We are a very eclectic group, which makes our meetings so much more fun!
When do we meet? We meet every other Wednesday from 6pm – 8pm, PST.
How long are our meetings? We typically meet for 2 hours, although when the discussion get really good, we may go over just a bit. We do try and be respectful or everyone’s time.
How do we meet? We meet online via video/audio conference.  in order to participate in video conferencing, you’ll need an data connection and a computer or cell phone with a working camera. If you’d like to participate via audio only, you may call in to the audio line. If it helpful to have headphones available during video conferencing to avoid disruptive audio feedback.
What are the meetings like? Our meetings are pretty informal and loads of fun. While the meeting is facilitated by Dr. Tee, each person has the opportunity to lead part of the discussion and share their thoughts. We have both introverts and extroverts in our group, so all are welcome. No one is forced to participate or share their perspective.
What happens if I can’t make a meetings? All of our meetings are recorded and kept on file for up to one month. At the conclusion of each meeting, a link to that days session is posted in our private Facebook group. If you miss a day, you’ll have access to the recording to get caught up!
What do we read? Typically we read books that fall into the realms of Sci-Fi and/or Fantasy that have a social Justice theme or themes. This includes diverse groups of characters, as well as story arcs that include topics and circumstances rooted in issues of Social Justice. One thing’s for sure, you’ll never be bored.
Is the amount of reading manageable? We understand that everyone leads busy lives, so we structure our discussions to ensure that the reading load is manageable. Depending on the number of pages, each book is broken into 3-4 sections. Typically we read one book every six weeks, though many of our members finish the book much sooner – mostly because the books we read are hard to put down.
How do we decide what to read? As we approach the end of the book we’re reading, we begin the discussion of what we’d like to read next in our private Facebook group. New books are researched and presented to the group to vote on. Once a book has been selected, each member orders their book and the fun begins.
How does billing occur? New members are welcomed at the start of each new book. Billing occurs at the first of each month. You can cancel your subscription at any time by visiting your membership page on this site